Monday, June 20, 2011

Hide me

There's this one guy who keeps sending me messages, and I'm having a really hard time telling him to back off.  Like, he's not rude or vulgar or anything, I'm just majorly uninterested.

Plus, he's older than my preferred age range and, I mean, it's not like I'm 22 or whatever, I just ... god, I just don't want to go out with someone who has more in common with my dad than with me, okay.

Anyway, it's like 2:30 am, and I've got massive insomnia, so I'm creepin' all over profiles.  OKC, though is the WORST, because it won't let me hide that I'm online.  It's like a beacon, right there, on my profile pic: ONLINE NOW!  Damn, OKC, let a girl stalk anonymously, you dig?  Jesus.

So the point is, this guy sends me a message that basically points out the fact that I'm a night owl, uses the wrong form of "you're," and sends me, more or less, screaming  into the night; that is to say, I logged off immediately, and I'm PISSED, because I'm still under the "browse anonymously" option, and now I won't know who looked at my profile.

Goddammit, OK Cupid, cut a girl a break.  GIVE ME A CHANCE TO CREEP WITHOUT BEING CREPT.

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